Friday, December 16, 2005

Mini-rant Friday...

So apparently I wasn't meant to post twice in a day, as I forgot all about my pseudo-promise almost as soon as I made it. By the way, thanks for the reminder, Goody, that peepee jokes are still funny. It'll be great in two or three years when you and your kid just sit around telling poop jokes and laughing hysterically. Poor Amy.


I was listening to the radio on the way to work yesterday, and it was time for the sports talk newsflash. Item number one was that NASA has just announced that this past year was the warmest year on record. (Sure as hell doesn't feel that way in Orono right now, but whatever.) They also said that it was warm in an unnatural way that can only be explained by, wait for it... Global Warming!!! (Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out, oh wait...)

I'll let Johnboy explain why our government is cutting funding in environmental studies, as I'm just not smart enough to understand. Assuming of course that his brain bucket is still intact.


Another rant: Yesterday in class my professor asked, "Who has read "Player Piano" by Kurt Vonnegut." One person. Me. He then asked, "Who has heard of it?" Same person. Finally, "Who has heard of Kurt Vonnegut?" Three hands went up. I was amazed that on a college campus, in a room of people who are, generally anyways, not idiots, only three people had even heard Kurt Vonnegut. And then I read this article in the Times, affirming what I already knew:

Kids these days just can't read like they used to.


Anonymous said...

that's b/c we're lazy. the same reason why i didn't register for free at to read more than one sentence of that article.

Anonymous said...

ah JV, you are funny....
Wait, what I must be in holiday cheer! I usually use this blog to poke fun at you, and now I am agreeing with you. Scary shit man! Merry f-ing Christmas! Call and hear my latest carol. "The weather out side is frightful, lets drink wine, lets drink wine, lets drink wine!

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is kurt vonnegut????

Anonymous said...

oh lizzy, lizzy, lizzy

He's the star of a new sitcom, everyone knows that.