Feels like every time I write a blog these days I need to write an apology, or an explanation for why I haven't been writing all that frequently.
No apologies this time, my reason for not writing this time is pretty straight-forward: I've been busy as hell at work. I have started several, maybe 5, blog entries in the past month or so, but I haven't been able to finish them to my (admittedly low) standards. I don't care to edit for spelling or grammar, but coherence is nice. Also, depending on the topic, I need to make sure I agree with what I wrote. Sometimes the brain isn't meaning what the fingers are typing, if you know what I mean!
Still, writing a daily blog has proven to be something I'm not capable of doing consistently. Generally, time is not the issue. While there are times of the year when I don't have time to write a decent blog entry, they are few. No, generally the problem for me is that I can't narrow down what I want to write about.
So, I've decided to change up the format a little bit. I'm going to try to stick to a system of writing about certain things on certain days of the week. I have generally written about the same sorts of things since I started this up, and I'll stick to the same sorts of things now. There will just be (hopefully) a little more structure. I haven't decided on anything definitely, but along the lines of what I was thinking was:
Thoughts? Fire away in the comments section. I'm certainly game for ideas, reprimands, or mockery.
Monday - Most likely, anything I write about on Monday will in some way involve a rant about how much I hate Monday's.
Tuesday - Media. This could include a book or a movie review, TV recommendations, etc. Also where I would write about sports.
Wednesday - Politics. Generally mid-week I am smarter than I am on Monday's or Friday's, so this might be the best day to tackle thorny subjects.
Thursday - Being our age. This is where I will (maybe) write about things that occur to me that have changed, or are changing, for people my age.
Friday - Mish mosh of things, on a day when my brain is generally mush. Probably will include some things such as plans (or lack thereof) for the weekend, ranting about the long, boring week just concluded, etc.
Weekends - If I ever write a blog on the weekends, I hope it is about what I pathetic loser I am, and how I have no life. While I would like to think this could never possibly happen, expect one soon.
Shouldn't Mondays be about your wild social life? People want to hear about the debauchery.
You also forgot to mention celebrity gossip. I mean how could you leave out Britney and Anna Nicole rumors?
and Friday shouldn't be Mish-Mosh day. It should be... Grab Bag day. A lets-trade-it-all-in-for-what's-behind-door-number-three day (er, five)!
AA? Just because my hair is going the way of Britney doesn't mean that you can expect me to care what goes on with that freak show. Johnson on the other hand? He's always had a soft spot for Ms. Spears.
We can go for Friday Grab Bags Jefe. I may even have to delve back into the forecasts on Fridays as well.
I like fart jokes.
I know you do Chris, I know you do.
I'm so glad to see you're getting your life back on track Stevie...I was worried about you there for a while!!
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