When it came right down to it, I just couldn't do it. Not because of the President's policies (which I by an large hate.) Nope. I couldn't subject myself to listening to one of if not the worst public speakers this country has ever had in a president. Look, Reagan had his faults as a President. (Actually, he had a shit-ton of faults as a president.) At the very least however, Reagan could deliver the lines that were scripted for him. Our current bad president can't even convince me that he knows what the words are he's reading. God I miss the days of Clinton. You could question his morality, you could question his politics, but you couldn't question his intelligence.
So, what is the State of the Union today? Lacking a president with a firm grasp of his public, the task of assessing our countries mood falls, once again, to me. And in my mind, our country is in a very dangerous place right now. As a Super power, as a Democracy, you name it. For the first time since the founding of our country, our parent's generation is passing off to us a country that is in worse shape than the one they inherited. I dread seeing what we will pass on to our kids.
- There is a very real chance that free speech will be a historical anecdote
- We may live in a police state
- Given the way global warming is accelerating, we may need to put on SPF 100 just to leave the house.
- Finding a job and career path that can lead to financial security as well as personal happiness will be a fiction
- War may become just another part of the daily news, in addition to stabbings, murders, and drug busts.
So.. What is the State of our Union today? Pretty fucking weak if you ask me.
Also? This is why I shouldn't write about politics.
We'll just call you Debbie Downer...
I'll just call him debbie..... or sally, jenny, mary, (insert girl name here)
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