Friday, January 26, 2007

Not of my generation

All of my thinking about the success and failure of generations the last few days started me thinking. What defines a generation? Our parents were/are generally baby boomers, depending on their age. But us? I was unsure. So I pulled up the list of generations page at wikipedia. You can imagine my reaction when I found out that I am grouped with the MTV generation. Fuck. My generation is named after a tv channel best represented by brainless bimbos with fake boobs, willing to hump anyone in order to get their 15 fleeting seconds of fame. Great. Other option? The Boomerang generation, named after a group of people who moved in with their parents after college. No wonder I feel pessimism about my generation. We can't even figure out how to get our own apartments.


I submit that if my generation has to be named after a tv channel, that it might as well be ESPN. At least I can feel a little ownership there.

More realistically, couldn't we be the CNN generation? I mean, isn't the onset of the 24 hour news channel more groundbreaking than the Real World? Maybe MTV was culturally important back in the days of Yo MTV Raps, and back when they actually played music videos? I mean, I still have fondness for a certain Chris Isaac video.

Seriously, I feel like we need a new label for people our age. The one thing that resonated in the description of the Boomerang Generation, was that we grew up during the onset of AIDS, and came of age post-9/11. Not that I want to be a part of the AIDS generation, or a part of the Police State generation, but at least I could relate to it.

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