Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Onion

Ahh the pomp. Oh, the circumstance. Eek the tedium of a bunch of self-important politicians standing and applauding, occasionally interupted by a small little boy standing on a podium blinking and winking.

Yup, I watched the State of the Union. It was interesting, at least up until the point that it actually started. First off, Cindy Sheehan got arrested before the event even started. She was the guest of some congresswoman from California. Can you imagine that invitation?

" So, you're going to behave yourself, right? No screaming and yelling? No egging the president? You promise?"
Seriously, you have to respect Cindy Sheehan. She might be completely insane, but at least she's consistent.

The other interesting thing that happened before the State of the Union was that the GF got so pissed of at Shrubby that she stormed out of the room and started angrily doing dishes, Before he had even been announced! Of course, I'm just assuming it wasn't something I said.

The content was predictably dull. In fact, after the speech one of the pundits said that something like 48 out of 62 of the paragraphs could have been read by Clinton. I mean, seriously. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He can read anything Bush can.

Seriously though, I'm guessing that the big portion of the speech was supposed to be the whole "the United States is addicted to oil" thing. First of all, no shit. Second of all, Bushy fucked up reading it! Shouldn't he have been practicing that portion above all others? I mean, seriously. What a dumb fuck.

Anyways, the best part of these is always the faces the senators make. You would think, with these being people in the public eye, I don't know, ALL THE TIME, that they would have some control over their facial expressions. Nope. My all time favorite is when they zoom in on Ted Kennedy when Bush is talking about education. Kennedy's face just turns redder, and redder, until he looks a little like a big scary strawberry. None of that this year though. They did zoom in on Hillary at one point, and she looked like she was going to die a painful death if she didn't take the shit she was brewing. And at another point, Collins and McCain laughed outloud at something said. Good stuff.

And once again, the Democrats dropped the ball. The Democratic response is an interesting new tradition, one that seems like it would be a good place to display someone they are grooming to run for a higher office maybe, or who has an election upcoming this year, or something along those lines. Like last year, when Barack Obama gave the response. Nope. The Dems pick a governor from Virginia who has been office all of three weeks. They picked him because he was a good speaker, used to connecting with people. If that's the best that the Dems have to offer as far as speakers go...

Well let's just say he made GW look smooth and collected.


Anonymous said...

yes, i'm just as upset about that speech last night. and i had the same idea about the democratic response. that the governor from virginia is a terrible speaker, and why aren't they using someone that they might have run in the next presidential election?

but the best part about the speech is when bush said "Congress did not act last year on my proposal to save Social Security.." and all the democratics stood up appluading thus interrupting bush. at that same moment a little dust got in my eye that i had to wipe away...

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy that. For a moment, I actually thought Bush was going to start yelling at them, or better yet, cry. Wouldn't that have been great? If Bush just started wailing like a baby in the middle of his speech? Almost would have made me feel like I didn't waste my time listening to his stupid ass.