Monday, February 06, 2006

Wow, that was exciting

So. Pittsburg beat the curse of Slash, or was it Maddox, or was it O'Donnell? Not the best game I've ever seen, it could have been worse. At least there were a few exciting plays, and it came down to the end, sort of. Seemed like Seattle was getting jobbed a little bit with the calls, but none of them were game costing, I didn't think.

Anyways, if your name isn't Joe T this Super was more about the commercials and the music than anything. The game was fine. The pre-game with Stevie and friends was good, the half-time show was good. No boobies this year, which I think was a mistake.

As far as the commercials? They were good. Not great, but good. I liked the Budweiser table/refrigerator, and the monkeys/jackasses was good. Actually, in the first half it did seem like there was a few right in a row that I laughed out lout at, but those were the ones that jumped out at me. Oh, and the Ad? Sucked.

All in all, I give this Super Bowl a solid C+. The game was certainly not a failure, but it certainly didn't bring it's A game.


Somehow I forgot to post this yesterday. So there may be another one later today, but there may not as well.

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