Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why? Why I ask you? Why?

Q: Why can't I write more often?

A: Because I am a boring sack of shit.


So. Since the last time we talked, I have done nothing that is remotely interesting to anybody, especially myself. Unless you count finally running my speaker wires through the basement so that I could stop constantly tripping on them.

I haven't been reading, or watching movies recently, as I've simply been brain dead. The wifey tried to talk to me last night, and I quite honestly didn't even know it was happening.

It could be the heat, I suppose, but while it is unseasonably warm for this time of year, its not so hot that I should actually be suffering mental consequences.

It could be work, which has certainly been busy enough to wear out the old cranium.

Dunno what it is, but I need a nap, and I am hours and hours from the ability to take one. Unless of course, I pull a Costanza.


Quick congratulations go out to the Goose and Danielle, who celebrated the arrival of their second baby the other day.


Anonymous said...

I think the cure for your boringness requires you to come drink in Portland...

s said...

You know, that just might be the case. It has been a little while, I think Portland might miss me.

Major said...

Yes! Come to Portland and bring the wifey! Are you guys going to join us for the Brewer's Fest? (11/3)

s said...

God I hope not. Don't you remember the last time we went... And vowed to never go again?

That said, convince the wifey, and yes, I'm sure we'll go.

Major said...

You see, I missed the last one because I was at a Halloween party in Boston. This time we are going to the early "showing" so it should be much better. Come or I will kidnap your wife and the little dog too!

s said...

We went to the early showing last time. It was so fun that Z gave away his tickets and walked home.