Monday, August 06, 2007

A question of Bandwagons...

OK, here's a quick question for you all.

I have a dilemna. (Goody, just so you know, a dilemna is defined as a problem with more than one solution. I mean answer. Sorry, I'll try to stay from the big words.)

So I have a problem with more than one answer. (Is that better Goody?)

I need a new Celtics hat. Not because they signed Garnett, but because I have officially sweated through the old one, and it is kind of disgusting. My problem is, I really don't want to be identified as a bandwagon fan. So should I wait a while and then buy a new hat? Buy a new hat and just deal with the grief from bandwagon fans? (If there are any.)

Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope.


Goods said...

First off, I thought it was a type of bean.

Secondly, keep the old hat. Throw it in the wash. The faded crap look is what's cool now.

Yes Visco, Daddy Goods is up at 11:00pm. I'm seeing if Bonds can break the record, watching my Sox on the West Coast, and doing some programming. All done while I watch the wifey drool; deep asleep on the couch.

Screw it. It's time for me to blog again.

s said...

You know, I've never had much luck washing hats. Seems like they always end up misshapen. This hat may already be there though, so it's not like I have anything to lose.

Oh and welcome back Goods.