Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Batshit Crazy singer girl

No, I'm not talking about anyone you know. And certainly not anyone that any of us have dated.

Nope. I'm talking about a certifiably nuts girl who has put out an album that I simply can not stop listening to. Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" is a great listen.. So long as you can get by the fact that the artist is going to end up in an insane asylum sooner rather than later. As I don't really listen to live radio all that often, I'm pretty often the last to hear of new artists. I had never heard of Amy Winehouse until she was on the front page of Rolling Stone. (Yes, I'm one of the last who still subscribe to RS. Shut up.) In the article, well, let's just say that she comes off as fairly nutso. In a "cutter", raging alcoholic, seriously mentally unstable, cross to the other side of the street when you see her sort of way.

Hearing the names of her songs did nothing to make me run out and buy her album. They sounded like typical weepy pop schmaltz of the oh no my boyfriend's left me variety.

Then I heard a couple of her songs, and was blown away. True, the lyrics are definitely of the typical weepy pop schmaltz of the oh no my boyfriend's left me variety, with the addition that she throws in the fact that she basically is drinking away all pain. And that everyone she knows wants her to go to rehab. So the lyrics are at best unimpressive. The voice though. Holy shit can this girl sing. She sounds like a cross between Macy Gray and Stevie Nicks, if they smoked a pack a day and drank way too much whiskey. Seriously, the voice is worth listening to, so long as you aren't bothered by the fact that these songs will be exhibit A on Amy Winehouse's VH1 Behind the Music any day now.

You heard it hear, well, not first.

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