Thursday, March 08, 2007

Jobs just don't seem to be getting any better

Big plans this afternoon my people. Once again, we are celebrating the end of a job for Jason. Pretty sure we've done this three times this year already, but whatever. If that's what it takes to get us out of the house, that's what it takes.

Some people it appears, have a natural optimism that the next job will be the best one. Me? Not so much. In order, I've been a lawnmower, a babysitter, an umpire, a lifeguard, a librarian, a worker on an assembly line, free lance writer, project manager? (yeah, what was that I did at ASAP again?), and now I suppose I am basically a database and web designer. If I were to rank those jobs in order for enjoyment, I think it would go a little something like this:
  1. Lifeguard - Seriously, it doesn't get much better than this.
  2. Whatever it was I did at ASAP. Web design, project planning, writing grants, it was probably the perfect job for me at the perfect time. Even if I had to put up with Goody's shit way too often.
  3. Free lance writer (Started working in their office in Princeton, and then continued on from Orono. Pretty interesting and well paying job, basically I had to do research on foreign countries and write travel reports for businessman and expatriates living on those countries.
  4. Current job
  5. Librarian - Not a bad job really, at least I don't think so. Honestly, one of the only things I remember about this job was Luke coming in and harrassing me with his mad up dance - The Library Shuffle.
  6. Assembly Line worker - A friends father got me a job boxing boxes. The work was completely and utterly mind numbingly boring, plus there was the added bonus that I had to be on the line at 7, and with NJ rush hour traffic it used to take me an hour to get there. The saving grace was that I was the only one on the line with a full grasp of English, and trying to talk to everyone else was just interesting enough to keep me from going fully crazy.
  7. lawnmower - Boring, boring, boring.
  8. umpire - Little league parents are just barely human beings.
  9. baby sitter - Let's just say that shitty diapers make this last by a long shot.
Barring the possibility that someone is going to pay me big bucks to lie in the sun and work on my tan, I'd say that I've already had my best job. In fact, looking back at that list, I'd be shocked if any jobs that I might have in the future might make the top 3.

A bit depressing really, but I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of other people aren't currently working a "top three" job. Hell, with Jason, just cracking his five for this year is hard enough.

1 comment:

Goods said...

"a worker on an assembly line..."

I thought you were the quality checker for tampons, or something like that.