Thursday, December 21, 2006

Dragging my ass through the day

Is it this way for everyone?

I woke up this morning, and the thought of going to work made me hide under my pillow. Fortunately the dogface thought this was a game, and tried to join me under the pillow. Stupid dogface, I'm trying to hide from the world here!

Fuck. With hiding out as an option, I had to actually get up and try to clear off my work plate for before the holidays. This may require talking to people, which will require patience, which, right now? Seems a bit out of the question.

I am absolutely just dragging right now. I'm not "tired" exactly, I actually slept ok last night, and it's only 11 or so and I still have some relatively warm coffee. I'm just flat out fucking sick of being at work. The thought that I have 5 more hours makes me very, very sad. Is this the way it is for everyone?

Thank god for the holidays. Not that they're going to relax me at all, what with driving all over New England and sleeping in beds designed for Little People. Still, I would do just about anything for a break from work right now. My goals for the rest of today are simple: I would like to not lose my fricking mind. What there is left of it.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it's most definitely that way. My patience for people is running dangerously low. Especially those that drive the 55mph speed limit in the passing lane on Rt. 95 when the average person drives 70-75. It's that same person that is unable to maintain their speed going up an incline on the highway. It's only an INCLINE!! There's no reason why I should be forced to down shift into 3rd gear on a highway simply because you don't know how to maintain your speed.

Yes, vacation (read: time not at work) needs to arrive here yesterday.

To steal a great line from Homer: "I could kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer."

s said...

I hear ya homer, I hear ya