Friday, September 08, 2006

Blog Abandonment?


I didn't realize it had been a month and a half. Time flies when you're having fun. Or is it, time flies when you're spending all of your free time at camp drinking beers and floating in inner tubes? Or possibly, time flies when you're spending all your free time attempting to finish a project that should have taken about a week, and instead is taking months?

Anyhoo, I haven't intentionally abandoned the blog, and will be making vague attempts at writing more often. My goal is to write at least once a week. I have also been thinking about starting up a sports blog that I would post shorter, more frequent blogs. I'll post a link up and email it around when I get it going.


So to update those of you who I haven't seen or talked to recently, I got engaged last weekend. (Which raises the question, what should I call the gf now? Something tells me the "F" wouldn't really fly all that well. Maybe "The new boss, same as the old boss?") I was amazed by how quickly the wedding planning began. About five minutes after I popped the question, the boss was on the phone with her mother planning locations, dates, guest lists, etc. Personally? I was opening up the second bottle of wine.

More later, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

No, the "F" won't work, as she informed me last weekend, I'm the missing "F"....oof :)

Anonymous said...

Visco.. you might want to use the "F" since it's the only F'ing you will be doing after you get married....

Damn I am funny... wait... I'm married... yup... funny and true.

Anonymous said...

Wait a second Goody, something's not connecting here... If you're not f-ing , how come the boys can swim?

MamaGoods said...

I'm so proud of you Steve. You're really growing up. =)

Don't listen to my husband. He's F'ing plenty. More than most men do with a fat, pregnant wife.